Homeowners We've Helped

In Cincinnati

Homeowner's We've Helped

In Georgetown

Aerial Roof Inspections

To inspect a typical roof, conventional methods would involve ladders, a cherry picker or scaffolding. We can inspect your roof within a fraction of the time, without damage to your property and without danger to anyone. We can also suggest the roof’s life expectancy and provide quotations on any repair work, due to our links with long-standing, professional roofing companies.

Drone View

Storm Damage

If you have already filed a claim and been denied, it is the same claim that can be reopened. This will not result in any an additional claim being filed. The insurance company will reopen the same claim if you were denied, and if you the homeowner did not get properly indemnified we re-inspect your property and indemnify you on the same claim, there also is no additional deductible. This includes damage siding, roofs, decks that have not been indemnified.

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Do you have storm damage?

Storm Shield serves both residential & commercial clients roofing needs. Our locations are fully-staffed and fully-equipped to handle any size roof replacement or new roofing project. Our teams at each Storm Shield location are here to serve you, our valued customer, and provide the most affordable, expertly installed and stress-free roof replacement, re-roofing or new roof construction available.

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Virtual Home Remodeler

Upload an image of your home

Virtual Home Remodeler features Instant Roof Mapping capability. Exclusively for Master Elites and Certified Contractors.

Easy To Use

Use this web-based virtual tools to get an accurate idea of siding and roofing options for your home from our product providers.

Areas Covered

Storm Shield prides ourselves on our extremely high success rate on indemnifying denied storm-related claims and an even higher success rate on supplementing undiscovered damage and scopes of work in the St. Louis, Cincinnati, Georgetown, Lexington, and Atlanta, areas

We work hard to get what you deserve from your insurance company the right way!

A Few Frequently Asked Questions:

How much will it cost me to get an inspection or quote from Storm Shield?

Not a penny! We provide free 40 point inspections and free aerial inspections. We also provide you with a free estimate on any non-insurance related scopes of work you would performed.

What is my out of pocket cost if I have Storm Damage?

Your only cost will be your insurance policy’s deductible (You are required to pay under to Senate Bill 101.) The remaining cost is paid for by your insurance company.

Will my insurance rates increase if I file a storm damage claim?

It is illegal for your insurance company to single you out when damage is incurred by a natural disaster. However, If your entire area is damaged by a storm the insurance company may raise your rates regardless of you filing a claim or not.

Virtual Home Remodeler

Protect your investment with a reliable roof. Our rigorously trained roofing experts are available to assist you.

We only use THE BEST materials…

Our products have been put to the test. Stormshield uses the following suppliers:

See what our customers have to say!

Storm Replaced the roof on the church, installed new gutters and more. They did a great job I was amazed how quick they did the job. We ended up with a great roof. We would like to thank Storm Shield for their quality work. Rich Peyton

Pastor, Foristell Christian Church

Happy Customers

Satisfied Customer

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